Saturday, July 28, 2007

Angry Sara: A Story from Angkor Wat

Preface: All hawkers in Cambodia talk with the most drawn out vowels in the whiny-est voice you can imagine. Every souvenir is a doooooooollleeeeeeeeeer. Every soda is a dooooolllllleeeeeer. And every other imaginable consumable good is a dooolllllllller.

At the end of the first day of touring the temples of Angkor, I was about to lose my mind. Then, just as we were about to see Angkor Wat, it started to pour. And by pour I mean, my umbrealla was completely and utterly useless. This is the point where the plastic raincoat hawkers came out.

Raincoat Hawker: Want to buuuuuuy a raaaaiiiiiiincooooooaaaat.
Me: NO!!!!!
Raincoat Hawker: Whyyyyyyyyyyy?
Me: (Quite literally screaming at the woman) BECAUSE I'M ALREADY WET!!!

Behind me, Kelly was busting from laughing so hard and the raincoat hawker just about fell over too as I stomped away looking for our cyclo driver.

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