Thursday, May 10, 2007

Charades and Bike Escapades

Number 1:
When you live life completely illiterate and unable to fully communicate with people, you become exceptionally good at charades.

Tonight, I stopped into the good DVD store by The Smart Noshery Makes You Slobber to see if they had any KTV* DVDS.

I 'Ni hao''d the woman behind the table of DVDs and said "KTV?" She looked confused.
Kelly and I looked at each other and immediately began to mime people singing into microphones like it was an every day occurrence. She said she didn't have American KTV but she did have Chinese KTV.

We both left the store falling over laughing at our excellent rendition of KTV.

*Karaoke Television. If you're not on my msn list, I recently found out that our apartment has a karaoke machine. All this time I just thought it was a VCR.

Number 2:
With the weather becoming increasingly warmer (this past week hasn't gone below 25 degrees Celsius), I've been wearing an increasing amount of skirts. Since I refuse to stop riding my bike, some migrant workers have gotten an eyeful when the wind has picked up.

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