Sunday, April 29, 2007

On Taking Bad Medicine

We're discussing films in grade 6 this month so today I brought in 'Little Miss Sunshine' and showed my students the clip where the family has to push the Volkswagen bus to start it running again. However, I showed them the whole clip with no sound. They had to decide what had happened to the bus, what the family was saying and where they were going.

The one student who had already seen the movie chatted with me while the rest of the class worked.

Grade 6 Boy: Sara, I don't understand why the grandfather dies in the film.
Me: Well, I think he was very old.
Grade 6 Boy: Yes, but...
Me: I think he also maybe, um.... drank a lot of alcohol when he was young so he was not healthy.
Grade 6 Boy: Oh, but... [pause] but he also... [the student mimes snorting cocaine]
Me: Oh! [Nervous laughter] Um, well. He took some drugs, some, um, bad medicine. Yes, he took some bad medicine. The kind that people shouldn't take and it isn't very healthy and that is why he died.
Grade 6 Boy: Oh, okay. So he wasn't healthy.
Me: No, he wasn't.
Grade 6 Boy: Okay, thank you teacher.

Next week I'm only showing Disney cartoons.

1 comment:

Howie Chong said...

that. is. hilarious.